Weekly Conservation Office Reports
Dec 04, 2018 08:17AM ● By EditorCO Sean Williams (Ely #1) assisted the St. Louis County Rescue Squad with the recovery of a missing person near Isabella. The missing person’s vehicle had been located by CO Anthony Bermel, and after a short search of the area by both the St. Louis County Rescue Squad and Lake County Sheriff’s Office deputies the person was located and recovered.
CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) reports a variety of different activity during the week. He checked trapping, pike spearing, snowmobile, ATV, and ice angling activity. He also assisted with fur registration in Grand Marais.
CO Mary Manning (Hovland) worked the fisher/marten trapping season and assisted DNR Wildlife with fur registration. Snowmobile trails are snow-covered, but it is thin and grooming will have to wait for more snow. Lake ice thickness is extremely varied and anglers are advised to check frequently when they choose to venture out.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) worked mainly trapping enforcement and followed up on deer cases. Fur was registered in Tower along with Wildlife personnel and CO Hopkins. Enforcement action for the week included an illegal trap set, untagged deer, unlawful party hunting, failure to validate a deer tag, and failure to register deer as required.
CO David Schottenbauer (Silver Bay) continued training with COC Karon. Officers stepped up work with ice angling activity and continued trapping work. Some time was also devoted to muzzleloader deer season.
CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Tofte) spent the week checking trappers and anglers. Wildlife calls were handled. Enforcement action was taken for trapping violations.
CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked fishing and trapping activity during the week. Murray assisted with a youth snowmobile safety class and a fur registration station. Bough harvest checks continued and nuisance animal complaints were handled.