DNR confiscated hunting, fishing equipment auction set for Saturday
Aug 02, 2018 01:26PM ● By Editor
From the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - August 2, 2018
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on Aug. 4 is holding a public auction of confiscated fishing, hunting and trapping equipment. The auction includes 214 firearms, 59 bows and 47 other pieces of equipment, including deer stands, fishing poles, mounts and traps. All of the equipment was confiscated following serious game and fish violations.
The auction, which is outdoors, is at Hiller Auction Service in Zimmerman. Auction items can be viewed in person from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 3, and from 7 to 9:30 a.m. on Aug. 4. The auction begins at 10 a.m. All equipment will be sold as-is, including all defects or faults, known or unknown. Once they’ve been purchased, items cannot be returned. Background checks are required of anyone who purchases a firearm.
Revenue from confiscated equipment auctions goes into the Game and Fish Fund, which is the DNR’s primary fund supporting fish, wildlife and law enforcement programs.
For more information, see mndnr.gov/enforcement/auctions/index.html. A list of equipment to be auctioned is at hillerauction.com.