Beaver Bay Daze coming August 3-5.
Jul 29, 2018 11:16AM ● By Editor
From Boreal Community Media - July 29, 2018
Join the celebration in Beaver Bay, MN Aug. 3 – 5 for Beaver Bay Daze.
Friday night festivities include a Kick-Off celebration with live music playing at The Green Door and a Dark Sky astrological presentation from Astro Bob, amateur Astronomer and Photo Editor for the Duluth Herald.
Saturday’s events include the SECOND annual Beaver River Run, a 100-mile motorcycle ride with a Tribute to our Veterans, an Inaugural ATV/UTV ride on the Moose Walk Trail through the Sawtooth Mountains on the North Shore with proceeds benefiting Beaver Bay's Night Sky Conservancy, a Bake Sale with proceeds benefiting the restoration of Beaver Bay’s historic wooden Water Tower, and a vintage Car/Motorcycle Show. Other activities include Kid’s Carnival, Kid's Color Contest, Cutest Pet Contest, Farmers Market, Craft and Food Vendors and more! Meet Mike Keyport, Grandson of John Beargrease and his dogs. There will be a Native American display, John Beargrease merchandise sales, and a raffle.
Food will be available for purchase.
Come back Sunday for a Sunday Service at the Assembly of God. All weekend there will be special offers from local businesses. Check back often as additional Festivities are being added. For a complete schedule or more information, visit us at or on Facebook ~ BeaverBayDaze.
Join the celebration in Beaver Bay, MN Aug. 3 – 5 for Beaver Bay Daze.
Friday night festivities include a Kick-Off celebration with live music playing at The Green Door and a Dark Sky astrological presentation from Astro Bob, amateur Astronomer and Photo Editor for the Duluth Herald.
Saturday’s events include the SECOND annual Beaver River Run, a 100-mile motorcycle ride with a Tribute to our Veterans, an Inaugural ATV/UTV ride on the Moose Walk Trail through the Sawtooth Mountains on the North Shore with proceeds benefiting Beaver Bay's Night Sky Conservancy, a Bake Sale with proceeds benefiting the restoration of Beaver Bay’s historic wooden Water Tower, and a vintage Car/Motorcycle Show. Other activities include Kid’s Carnival, Kid's Color Contest, Cutest Pet Contest, Farmers Market, Craft and Food Vendors and more! Meet Mike Keyport, Grandson of John Beargrease and his dogs. There will be a Native American display, John Beargrease merchandise sales, and a raffle.
Food will be available for purchase.
Come back Sunday for a Sunday Service at the Assembly of God. All weekend there will be special offers from local businesses. Check back often as additional Festivities are being added. For a complete schedule or more information, visit us at or on Facebook ~ BeaverBayDaze.