Hovland Arts & Music Festival is Saturday and Sunday
Jun 30, 2018 10:29AM ● By Editor
From Boreal Community Media - June 30, 2018
The 13th annual Hovland Arts and Music Festival will be held on Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, July 8 from 10am - 3pm at the Hovland Town Hall, Hwy 61 at mile marker 1285, eighteen miles east of Grand Marais.
There will be live music all day each day from some of Cook County's favorite musical performers.
Food will be available and is provided by Trinity Lutheran Church.
Everything is FREE. Donations for the musical performers are much appreciated,
The musical performers scheduled to appear include:
On Saturday, July 7th:
10 - 11:30 Jim McGowan
12-1:15 Joe Paulik
1:30 -3 Briand Morrison & Roxann Berglund
On Sunday, July 8th:
10:30 - 12:30 Bump Blomberg of Pushing Chain

The 13th annual Hovland Arts and Music Festival will be held on Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, July 8 from 10am - 3pm at the Hovland Town Hall, Hwy 61 at mile marker 1285, eighteen miles east of Grand Marais.
There will be live music all day each day from some of Cook County's favorite musical performers.
Food will be available and is provided by Trinity Lutheran Church.
Everything is FREE. Donations for the musical performers are much appreciated,

On Saturday, July 7th:
10 - 11:30 Jim McGowan
12-1:15 Joe Paulik
1:30 -3 Briand Morrison & Roxann Berglund
On Sunday, July 8th:
10:30 - 12:30 Bump Blomberg of Pushing Chain
1:00 - 3:00 Axtell

Joe Paulik will perform Saturday at 12:00 noon
For more information, visit the Hovland Arts Festival website by following this link. https://www.hovlandartsfestival.com