Dr. Bill Crandall reflects on the success of the Cook County Schools Social Justice Conference
Mar 11, 2018 11:00PM ● By Editor
Photos by Lisa Bauer for Boreal Community Media
The Social Justice Conference was an event that was put together by the Cook County Diversity Committee. The committee had the task of putting together an event for our students and staff in align with addressing the concerns both in our schools and community around the topic of racism, harassment and bullying.
During the lunch hour the expectation was that the kids would get out and move around during this time. Instead the students grabbed their lunches and continued the conversations they were having in the sessions they were involved.
Elementary students had a great time around the campfire and the activities set up for their day. We had many community members in the building volunteering which was great to see and we are thankful for the time they provided to the school. The day went very well with the students engaged in the different classroom sessions, the keynote sessions and the activities setup for the day.
The Social Justice Conference was an event that was put together by the Cook County Diversity Committee. The committee had the task of putting together an event for our students and staff in align with addressing the concerns both in our schools and community around the topic of racism, harassment and bullying.
They did an outstanding job in putting together a day with many different options for the students. The keynote speaker, Bill Blackwell, did a fantastic job in setting the stage for all of our students in seeing that people are not all the same, to accept one another for who they are, and to be yourself.
During the lunch hour the expectation was that the kids would get out and move around during this time. Instead the students grabbed their lunches and continued the conversations they were having in the sessions they were involved.
Elementary students had a great time around the campfire and the activities set up for their day. We had many community members in the building volunteering which was great to see and we are thankful for the time they provided to the school. The day went very well with the students engaged in the different classroom sessions, the keynote sessions and the activities setup for the day.