Our Posters Say It All: Bullying is Wrong! Positivity is Right!
Nov 29, 2017 03:31PM ● By Editor
Iylla Christensen and Reuben Youngdahl. Photo by Amanda Barras
Hi! This is Iylla and Reuben from Sawtooth Elementary Student Council!
The school held the first Anti-Bullying Poster Contest for Unity Day on October 25th. A bunch of students worked together and created their posters and displayed them on the wall by the Eagle Doors. The main qualifications judges were looking for were positivity and creativity in addressing bullying.
The winners for Sawtooth Elementary are Aubrey Williams, Ty Mielke, and Jack Radloff. They won for Most Positivity. Their prize was glow in the dark necklaces.
The middle school winners are Kylie Viren, Kole Anderson, Brody Lacina, and Cayden Zimmer. They won zipper earbuds. Another group of middle schoolers won for most creativity. They are J Shannon, Ben Obinger, John Piere, Paul Dorr, and Ryan Christiansen. Their prize was zipper earbuds as well.
All participants for the Anti-Bullying Poster contest will receive one Vikings Voucher. We also took a school wide picture in the high school gym for all the students who were wearing orange. Last but not least, we did a raffle for the elementary, middle school and high school students.
We do all of these things to show that Cook County schools are kind and respectful places to learn!
Follow this link to see the posters from the Anti-Bullying Poster Contest.
Hi! This is Iylla and Reuben from Sawtooth Elementary Student Council!
The school held the first Anti-Bullying Poster Contest for Unity Day on October 25th. A bunch of students worked together and created their posters and displayed them on the wall by the Eagle Doors. The main qualifications judges were looking for were positivity and creativity in addressing bullying.
The winners for Sawtooth Elementary are Aubrey Williams, Ty Mielke, and Jack Radloff. They won for Most Positivity. Their prize was glow in the dark necklaces.
The middle school winners are Kylie Viren, Kole Anderson, Brody Lacina, and Cayden Zimmer. They won zipper earbuds. Another group of middle schoolers won for most creativity. They are J Shannon, Ben Obinger, John Piere, Paul Dorr, and Ryan Christiansen. Their prize was zipper earbuds as well.
All participants for the Anti-Bullying Poster contest will receive one Vikings Voucher. We also took a school wide picture in the high school gym for all the students who were wearing orange. Last but not least, we did a raffle for the elementary, middle school and high school students.
We do all of these things to show that Cook County schools are kind and respectful places to learn!
Follow this link to see the posters from the Anti-Bullying Poster Contest.