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Boreal Community Media

Weekly Conservation Officers' Report

Nov 20, 2017 02:58PM ● By Editor

District 6 - Two Harbors area - Last updated: 2017-11-20

CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) reports a fairly busy week. While following up on an investigation of whitefish nets being allowed to freeze into an area lake, he stopped by a residence to find an untagged buck. Upon further investigation, it was determined the buck was shot over bait from the resident?s deck. The .22 rifle (which is not a legal caliber for deer) used to shoot the deer was seized along with the eight point buck. Snowmobilers out ditch banging were also checked. Ice conditions are not safe for the most part. Checking the ice thickness frequently, ice picks, and a wearing floatation device is highly recommended if one choses to venture out.

CO Mary Manning (Grand Marais East) investigated a call about a hunter taking a deer from a county roadway; the shot was legally taken, although it was close to a residence and on public lands. One member of the hunting party was unhappy that the warden had been called. He was told to expect to see us if they continue to drive the roads for deer rather than the woods. CO Manning also wrapped up a couple cases from bear season and followed up on wolf cases.

CO David Schottenbauer (Silver Bay) worked are hunting activity again this week. CO Schottenbauer assisted the Silver Bay PD with a hunting complaint in city limits. Time was also spent working an angling complaint and started looking into a background for hire.

CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Tofte) spent the week checking deer hunters and investigating hunting complaints. Trespass calls were followed up on and wildlife calls were handled.

CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked a cold final weekend of the firearms deer season. Many hunters reported seeing deer and most camps had at least one deer hanging on the camp pole. Ice anglers are beginning to venture out on area lakes with some shallow lakes having as much as 6-8 inches of ice already, but lakes vary greatly this time of year and must be approached with caution and common sense. Enforcement action was taken for licensing and baiting violations.

CO Sean Williams (Ely 1) reports cool weather and more snowfall contributed to slowing deer hunting pressure over the last week of the regular season. However, more hunters were checked trying their luck inside the BWCA, with some success. Complaints of trespass and deer being shot from the roadway continued to come in and are being investigated.

CO Marty Stage (Ely) found the last weekend of the deer season to be relatively quiet with very few shots being heard. Trespass issues and shooting from the road continued to be a common complaint. The warm weather days really damaged the ice that had formed on rivers and lakes, so keep that in mind as it refreezes and be very careful with early ice this year.

CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) worked the final week of the firearms deer season. Several complaints were worked. Enforcement action included litter and no license in possession. Many dumped deer carcasses are showing up. No one wants to see birds, legs, rib cages, etc. on or near the roads. Please use proper disposal options.