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Artisans Northwest Celebrating 42 years Art & Fine Crafts Market

Oct 20, 2017 04:01AM ● By Editor

From the Lake Superior News - October 19, 2017

THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO -  October 10, 2017   (LSN)  2017 will be the groups 42nd year of continuously operating our Art and Fine Craft Show. It runs the second week in November, Saturday November 11, 10-5, and Sunday November 12, 10-4.  This years show is bigger and better as we will be occupying all seven rooms at the Valhalla Inn, in Thunder Bay with over 75 artists taking part. Entry to the show is free but we do a voluntary silver collection and donate part of the proceeds to an art related grouping Thunder Bay. This years recipient will be Willow Springs Creative Centre. 

We are the only juried show in the region.  In order for an artist to become a member, an application for jurying is submitted to the jurying committee.  The committee of selected members come together twice a year to jury new applicants work. The committees job is to look for high quality, uniqueness and creativity in each artists work. Our members work covers a broad spectrum of the artist/crafts industry while each artist/crafter tries to be unique within their work and strive to develop new and exciting products each year.  Anyone attending our show will be sure to find something unique and very often one of a kind. Some of the categories include woodworking, photography, acrylic,watercolour,oil, pen and ink, jewelry,pottery, stain glass, metal and iron works, body products, local authors, and the list could go on. More information is available on or website, FB, Twitter, and Instagram sites. The quality and creativity bar continually gets raised higher and higher every year by these talented artists and crafters.

Artisans Northwest began as a cooperative of artists coming together in Thunder Bay and surrounding area to display and sell their work. Originally it was called The “Art and Craft Market”, but 25 years ago the group decided to rebrand themselves and now go by Artisans Northwest. It was decided to include in our new logo a snowflake which symbolizes that each one of our members work is unique in their own way, much like a snowflake. Today the Artisans Northwest still operates as a cooperative with over 80 members who come together to help plan and organize the show throughout the year.

Applications can be found on our website.