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Boreal Community Media

Empty Bowls 2017 coming up fast

Oct 13, 2017 08:37AM ● By Editor
By Ada Igoe from The Cook County News Herald - October 13, 2017

In the autumn, when many seasonal jobs end and the cost of living rises as furnaces kick on for the long winter ahead, it’s important to remember that 12 percent of Cook County residents struggle with food insecurity. But regardless of season, at some point each month, many of our Cook County neighbors don’t know where their next meal will come from. Each year, the Empty Bowls fundraiser event works to raise awareness of and funds for the Cook County Food Shelf and other community organizations addressing Cook County’s critical hunger needs year-round.

Empty Bowls 2017 features a simple soup dinner with soup and bread provided by local restaurants and a sale of beautiful handcrafted bowls made at the Grand Marais Art Colony.

A silent auction – made possible through the generous donations of local businesses – offers a large selection of gift certificates to help you kickstart your holiday shopping. The bake sale provides sweet treats to enjoy at the event or to take home or to the office.

Throughout October, the Empty Bowls and the Grand Marais Art Colony invite community members to help craft the bowls for the Empty Bowls fundraiser dinner at a Make- A-Bowl or Paint-A-Bowl event at the Art Colony. Contact the Grand Marais Art Colony at 218-387-2737 for more information or to register.

New this year, Empty Bowls invites local businesses to support the mission of Empty Bowls through table sponsorships. For a minimum donation of $250, sponsoring businesses will be acknowledged at a dining table at the Empty Bowls event. Contact Beth Kennedy at 218-387-1314 with questions or simply submit a check made payable to “Empty Bowls” to KIDS Plus, P.O. Box 63, Grand Marais, MN 55604 to sponsor a table.

Proceeds from Empty Bowls battle hunger in Cook County by funding community hunger programs. Funds from last year’s Empty Bowls event were distributed to the Cook County Food Shelf, AEOA, Birch Grove Community Center’s WE Connect, Cook County Youth Agency Coalition, Cook County Public Health and Human Services, local schools, Snacks and Packs, and the Violence Prevention Center to help nourish those in need.

Empty Bowls will take place Monday, Nov. 13 at St. John’s Catholic Church in the lower level. Two meals will be served. Lunch will run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and dinner from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The silent auction closes at 6:30 p.m. Meals cost $5. 

Handcrafted Grand Marais Art Colony bowls and necklaces can be purchased for $10 (or more).

Empty Bowls in Cook County started in 2006 and is currently coordinated by community volunteers in collaboration with the Grand Marais Art Colony, KIDS Plus, and the generous donations of local businesses. Approximately 75 volunteers are needed on the day of the event to assist with setting up, serving, and various other tasks. If interested in volunteering, contact Pat Campanaro at 651- 336-2964 or [email protected].

People unable to attend the event can contribute to Empty Bowls’ efforts online at or by simply going to and searching for Cook County KIDS Plus. Alternatively, checks payable to “Empty Bowls” may be sent to P.O. Box 63, Grand Marais, MN 55604.

For more information contact: Empty Bowls 2017, 218-388-2221 (Ada Igoe, Empty Bowls marketing), [email protected] Donate online at: