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Boreal Community Media

Cook County Youth Media Camp Mid-Week Update

Aug 09, 2023 08:49AM ● By Editor
Images and video submitted

By Jaye White, Media Camp Instructor - August 9, 2023

The Youth Multi-Media Camp is once again underway at the North Point Teen Center in downtown Grand Marais. Over the first two days, campers learned the basics of photography, starting with the "Exposure Triangle". They learned how to adjust the settings on DSLR cameras and their personal cell phones in order to achieve the look they are going for in their photos. Campers got to go down to the Grand Marais Harbor area to practice their skills on seagulls, flowers, the lake, dogs, themselves, and anything else they spotted. 

Then, campers broke out into three groups to create Stop Motion Movies, a method of using photos to create a storyline and video (like Gumby). The Stop Motion projects taught campers just how difficult and time consuming Stop Motion filmmaking is. 

We capped off the day learning how the Exposure Triangle is also used in videography to ensure you can get the correct look and feel in video, as well. Campers also learned about creative angles for both photo and video to help make their work more dynamic. 

Starting on Day 3, campers will begin to work on their final film project. They will write the storyline, cast the parts, assign a director, videographer, and film supervisor. Finally, they will prepare for filming on Thursday by coordinating clothing, props, and sets.

The Youth Multimedia Camp is a collaboration between Boreal Community Media, Cook County Higher Education, and North Point, who graciously opened their doors to be our "base camp" for the week.  We would also like to show our gratitude to the Cook County Coop for donating snacks and beverages to the campers this week.

Photos and Stop Motion videos: 
Boreal Ship Spotter - larger view here