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Boreal Community Media

Grand Marais's First and Second Thrift Store provides update on new store opening

Apr 03, 2023 10:19AM ● By Content Editor
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By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - April 3, 2023

In late 2022, Grand Marais's First and Second Thrift Store announced they would be closing their doors and moving to a new location. Construction began on the new location - the old Birchbark Gifts building - with the hope that the thrift store would be able to open in May or June of 2023. 

Boreal Community Media caught up with Ann Marie Mershon, winter manager of First and Second Thrift Store, to get an update on the ongoing construction and a potential opening date. 

First things first, Mershon confirmed that "there's no promise of an opening time yet, though we’re hoping to start moving in and taking donations sometime in May, with the hope of opening late May or early June. It all depends on how the construction goes."

In a general email, First and Second Thrift Store co-found Lois Johnson encouraged community members to "a peak in the South Side of the building (when finished we'll have entrance on the very south side) if you're interested in checking out the progress."

As the construction continues, Mershon shared that "in a few weeks they’ll be knocking out the street wall and re-building it."

Meanwhile, the organization is asking people to hold on to any donatable items and to consider volunteering. Both will be needed to help get the store open and operating again. 

Once completed, the old Birchbark Gifts building will house not only First and Second Thrift Store, but also North Shore Title, and a wellness organization. 


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