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Farmer Doug Honored, Encourages Growers To Donate Extra Produce

Aug 19, 2022 09:42AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: Nick Fewings 

By Alexandra Burnley - Fox 21 News - August 18, 2022 

The Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank is recognizing the contributions from one local farmer in Duluth.

The organization says farmer Doug Hoffbauer has donated more than 19,000 pounds of fresh produce over the past ten years.

Farmer Doug says he’ll continue to donate, but wants to encourage other growers to do so as well, especially as the seasons change.

He says it can be anyone from other farmers to people who have gardens in their yards.

“There’s been a lot of data that shows that kids that are well-fed with nutritious meals do better in school,” Hoffbauer said. “They do better in school, they’ll do better in life. It’s a community responsibility I feel that we have that every kid has every opportunity to do his best…the benefits of local produce are well-known and I think everybody should have access to it in one way shape or form.”

Second Harvest says Bay Produce, Glensheen Mansion, the Northeast Regional Correctional Center, and several retailers are also big produce donors.

A food resource developer with Second Harvest says fresh fruits and vegetables are always highly requested.

“We are really encouraging people to donate as much fresh as they can so if you have extra in your garden if you have a farm yourself, we’d love to take any surplus you’re able to provide,” Tim Noake said. “We’re super appreciative of the advocating he’s done to get other people to donate their fresh goods to us.”

Second Harvest says it helps feed about 44,000 people in Northeast Minnesota.

If you want to drop off food donations they’re open from 8 to 4 on weekdays.

To read this original story and more news, follow this link to the Fox 21 News website.

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