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How the SCOTUS abortion ruling could impact upcoming Northland elections

Jun 28, 2022 09:54AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: Element5 Digital

By: Larissa Milles - Fox 21 News - June 27, 2022

Friday’s Supreme Court ruling on abortion had immediate impacts, with some states shutting down all abortion operations right away.

But with primary and midterm elections coming up quick, we could soon get a look at the political fallout in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Pro-life or pro-choice is a stance that could mean a lot in this year’s elections.

“Every candidate’s going to have to answer the question now,” said Dr. Cindy Rugeley, an associate professor of political science at UMD. “It’s not going to be something where the supreme court’s ruled on it and you don’t have to answer, they’re gonna have to answer.”

She said the Supreme Court’s ruling that abortion is not a constitutional right could motivate more people to vote.

“Yes it will serve to mobilize, how much? I don’t know, there are people who have other important issues,” Rugeley said.

Aaron Brown, an Iron Range author and political expert, says the impact the Supreme Court ruling will have, is dependent on whether it stays top of mind for voters come election season.

“How this will play out politically is really difficult to say, it comes down to: in a sea of things that people are upset about, which things are the priorities for your voters?” Brown said.

However, Brown said he believes overturning Roe will have a huge impact on the candidates running for office.

“I think we’re going to see a change in the way this issue is covered and the way candidates approach this issue,” Brown said.

Another massive issue, in a pivotal election year for both major political parties.

“I think every election matters if you want it to and if you overlook the midterm elections you’re often surprised by what happens in those off years,” Brown said.

“You know people need to vote, for one,” Rugeley said. “That is your voice, that is your vote.”

Michigan’s primary election day is August 2nd.

Both Minnesota and Wisconsin’s primaries are August 9th.

The general election is November 8th.

To learn more about voting, click here.

To read this original story and more news, follow this link to the Fox 21 News website.

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