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Beat the heat with more than dog treats

Jun 05, 2021 08:49AM ● By Editor

Photo: KBJR-TV

By Emma Quinn of KBJR-TV - June 4, 2021

Beating the heat will take a little more than some treats for our four-legged friends.

Dr. Kelly Powell a local veterinarians says the best way to prevent your pet from getting heat exhaustion is to make sure they have plenty of shade and cool water.

"Lots of dogs won't drink the water if it's warm," said Dr. Powell. "So, a trick to do is to freeze a bunch of blocks of ice to put in your dog's water dish. Make sure the water dish in the house is not in direct sunlight."

Duluth Fire Department officials say even if the windows are down, and the AC is on, dogs should never be left in the car.

"It doesn't take much more than a couple of minutes for your car to heat up well over 100 some degrees. Pets in general really can't handle the heat," said Deputy Fire Marshall Christopher Orman.

When you and your fury Fido head out for a walk this summer, veterinarians say test out the pavement with your bare hand or foot; if it's hot for you, it's too hot for them.

Dr. Powell added, "Every year, I feel like we see blistered pads from walking on pavement, that's too hot, and sometimes can get really hot too."

Lastly, dogs unlike humans don't sweat so noticing heat exhaustion will look different.

"It will pant excessively, it will sometimes drool, they can get weak to the point of collapse," said Dr. Powell, "Which means that they're hypothermic or that their body temperature is too high."

Veterinarians say dogs with flat faces like pugs and bulldogs or Persian cats tend to have a harder time breathing and can get overheated quicker than other dogs.

According to the Animal Legal and Historical Center here in Minnesota, anyone who leaves a cat or dog in a car can be charged with a petty misdemeanor charge; there are no charges in Wisconsin.

But authorities say if you believe a pet is in danger call 9-1-1 immediately.

To watch the video version of this report and see related stories, follow this link to the KBJR-TV website.

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